Animal Care Council
Do you frequently shop on amazon? Go to amazon.com/smile & you can select Broome County Animal Care Council your charity of choice! Each time you make a purchase, amazon will donate to us!
We are apart of Fresh Step Litter's Paw Points Program! You can donate your Paw Points to us by going to: http://www.freshstep.com/paw-points/shelter/animal-care-council-370/ If you use code SHELTERBONUS803, we will receive 50 bonus points.
Every 3 months, we have our own lottery. $10 buys one ticket that can win you up to $50. If you would like to participate, email us at info@animalcarecouncil.org with your name and address. The fundraiser runs January-March, April-June, July-September, & October-December.
If you save bottles & cans, you can take them to Neighborhood Redemption Center. Just tell the cashier you would like them to go to Animal Care Council!
With Maine's GiveBack Program, we will receive a rebate check worth 5% of the members cumulate purchases bi-annually. All you need to do is bring the form below with you, or ask for a MaineSaver GiveBack application the next time you're at Maine's!
Thank you!